
Located just 90 meters from Achill island, the idyllic Inishbiggle (or Inis Bigil in Irish, which means “island of the fasting”) lies between the mainland and Achill Island.  

It is an unspoilt and unique island, which to this day contains a traditional community where farming and fishing are time-honoured traditions. The island is known a stronghold of traditional life and the tranquil atmosphere, old world customs and glorious scenery are beloved by walkers.  Its tiny population speak both Irish and English. For day trippers this is an idyllic island for walking and exploration. Life here runs at a relaxed pace, and the tranquil atmosphere and glorious scenery are loved by visitors. The great Inishbiggle loop walks begin at the pier at Bullsmouth, where the ferry from Achill Island lands, and at Gubnadoogha, where the ferry from Ballycroy lands. Access is by ferry from either Doran’s Point at Ballycroy, on the mainland, or Bullsmouth, Dooniver, Achill Island. Because of strong currents around the island, access can be uncertain in winter months. There is a helipad on the island for emergency access. The Bullsmouth Channel that separates Inish biggle from Achill Island is noted for having one of the strongest currents in Europe, its unpredictable currents during winter months can sometimes render the island inaccessible, even though the passage during fair weather is about ten minutes in the traditional boat, the currach.


From Doran’s Point, Ballycroy (mainland), contact Micheal Leneghan 087 1269618

From Bullsmouth, Dooniver, Achill Island, contact Joe O’Malley 086 0612482

Innishbiggle,  Contact: Thomas J. Calvey  083 433 8751
